לאכפתיות מעומק הלב

Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Donna Morton “Recalibrating Sunrise and Sunset”
The start of a new season is a good time to commit to incremental changes in our daily routines. Drawing from Tarthang Tulku’s books Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga, Mastering Successful Work and Dimensions of Mind. Kum Nye instructor Donna Morton will look at and present skillful ways to start and end each day to better direct our energies based on our highest values and intentions.
Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Hugh Joswick: "Teachings from the Heart"
Harmonizing Body with Mind” In 1998, Tarthang Tulku published Teachings from the Heart, a collection of early essays, interviews, and prefaces to a number of his books. This concise volume presents fundamental teachings for understanding mind and provides an excellent introduction to the study of Rinpoche’s writings. Nyingma Institute instructor Hugh Joswick will discuss the opening chapter of this volume and present ways to harmonize body and mind by deepening feelings of appreciation and gratitude.
Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Mark Henderson: "Mastering Successful Work
Along the way of the Bodhisattva".
This talk is about the book Mastering Successful Work written in the context of building the Vajra Temple in Odiyan.
Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Olivia Hurd “Three Transformative Syllables: OM AH HUM”
Starts on 9:40.
Tarthang Tulku describes ways to meditate and chant with these three sacred seed syllables in several of his books. He offers practices with them as sound, visualization, and symbols, both in meditation and post-meditation. Putting them to practice, they have the power to transform our experience of body, mind and breath beyond the status quo, to expand our awareness and our capacity to live life more fully. Using OM AH HUM, we can focus and protect mind from the endlessly busy, superficial, thinking level of mind – to experience mind beyond meaning: silent mind. Olivia Hurd, Nyingma Institute meditation instructor, will present practices using OM AH HUM with sound, breath, gestures, and silence.
Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Exploring Dream Yoga by Patricia Kilroe
Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Holding steady in the wind of life by Suellen Ehnebuske
The talk starts at 9:30
Dharma Talk from Nyingma Institute
Santosh Philip “The Gift of Work”
The talk starts at 10:40.
It is startling to think of “work” as a gift, rather than as a way to earn a living and put food on the table. Can “work” truly do more than the mundane? The newly released book by Tarthang Tulku, now titled The Gift of Work makes the case that “It’s not just your job – it’s your life.” Nyingma Institute instructor Santosh Philip will present this topic of work as a gift, with simple practices that allow us to have a different relationship to this gift – one to savor, to care about; to feel a sense of personal transformation, through expanding awareness of just what it is you are doing.